Sunday 15 February 2009


I hope I am getting all my bad luck out of the way before I go out to the Sahara! On Thursday I was heading into Preston to do a talk about my Antarctic Marathon when once again my tyre pressure low sign came on. Another flat tyre and another bill for nearly £270!

In addition it reduced my mileage for Thursday - although possibly a good thing as have been very tired at the end of this week. Started off with a good tempo run on Monday and a good interval session on Wednesday, with faster mile split times. Also managed 2 gym sessions at beginning of week.

However, I really struggled on Friday and Saturday. Went to Lakes again on Friday and a much nicer day. Did just over 21 miles with a full rucksack and lots of hills, which was what I was looking for. Struggled and felt very tired at the end.

I was going to do a training session of 15 to 20 miles in sand dunes on Saturday, but wimped out when I saw the rain. Did treadmill session in gym, with a gradually increasing gradient each mile, but stopped after 8 miles as felt drained. Felt very tired and generally aching by Saturday night. Cherith has had some sort of viral infection so not sure if I have picked something up or just tired from high mileage and intensity training.

Fortunately after many years of running I know my body fairly well and also know that a few days of reduced mileage or complete rest wont make any difference. Feel a bit better today and am starting a "quiet week" - will do no more than 30 to 40 miles. Following that 10 days in the next 2 weeks will be in Tenerife, with some warmer weather and a change of scenery and lots of recovery time lazing round the pool with a book or two. Then tapering for the final 3 weeks, so feel as if training is coming to an end.

Sponsorship going well. It was really encouraging to get back on Friday feeling a bit low and tired and find 3 people had gone on line and sponsored me. With the gift aid added I have now got to nearly £3000-00 - and that will make such a difference to the Happy House Project.

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