Sunday, 8 March 2009


Just back from 9 days in Tenerife where I was hoping for some warm weather training. Well in comparison with the rain, wind, hail and snow at home I guess it has been warm, although not as warm as I was hoping for. However, still managed to get some good training in and should help a bit with adapting to heat in Sahara.

Had a gentle 9 mile run on first day without carrying a bag with me. Then had 2 days back to back running of 20 miles each day and carrying about 9kgs. On the first day it was quite warm and the temperature outside the pharmacy as I went through Las Galletas was 25C. - I think that was as hot as it got. Both days went well and I didn't feel as if they had taken anything out of me and could have done it all again for a third day. In addition I got in 2 quality runs - a 5 mile tempo in sub 8 minute pace and 8 half mile intervals all at about 3mins 45 sec pace. Total for the week was just over 50 miles and also got in one gym session and 3 sessions of core muscle training.

Tried out my camera for the first time using the video with self recording. Hopefully will add finished result to this blog (it's worked and at the end of this post)- reasonably pleased although sound not brilliant at times - think I had finger over microphone as difficult to hold and record myself - so another lesson learned.

While out in Palm Mar have made arrangements with Ian and Tracey to have a fund raising charity night in Palm Bar on 8th May when we next go out to the apartment. They have been really supportive - we already have a weeks stay in a luxury apartment in Los Cristianos offered as one of the auction items. In addition The Corner Shop and Clouseau's Bar have sponsorship forms on display - and 90 Euros raised so far.

In order to promote the Charity Night I did 2 interviews - one with a magazine which will be out in a couple of weeks and one with Island Connections - a newspaper which covers the Canary Islands - who are doing the article on the front page this week! ( I will try to add a link in a later blog when it is published with the links to the PDFs.

This week I have my first two sessions in the heat chamber at Liverpool University. They forgot to tell me until the last e mail that they constantly monitor my core temperature while in the chamber and pull me out if it goes above 39C. I will leave it to your imagination which orifice they use to monitor my temperature - but it is below my neck! If I can survive that I can survive anything the Sahara throws at me!

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